Here you can get an insight into both current and completed projects and learn more about Rising Hope's work and methods.
Access to school and health for vulnerable children in Dar es Salaam
With support from the Erik Thunes Legat, Rising Hope has secured schooling and healthcare for 50 vulnerable children. The project was established in response to the fact that all research and our own experience from the field shows that children of sex workers are particularly vulnerable to sexual exploitation and easily become part of risky environments. Therefore, we found it necessary to make a special effort for the children to ensure their rights to school and health.
Social enterprises and better health for sex workers
This project provides female sex workers with another source of income. In addition, it creates a safer working environment for the women involved in sex work through harm reduction activities such as reporting violence, sex education, condom distribution, testing for STIs such as HIV, and the treatment of various STIs and violence.
Halfway houses and social economy enterprises
The project focuses on life and everyday life after drug abuse treatment. Together, a halfway house is established with aftercare and the gradual start-up of 3 local businesses run by the women, with the profits going towards financing more women to enter treatment.
2018-2019: Substance abuse treatment for female drug users in Tanzania
The aim of this project is to jointly strengthen and expand treatment options for female drug users in Tanzania.
Organisational capacity-building partner building in Tanzania
Rising Hope's local partner organization, The Light of Miracle, made up of female former drug users, is the first of its kind in Tanzania. Working with the women, this initiative will further develop the organizational capacity and skills to bring about change.
Organisation of local project group and study of the political environment
The aim of this project is to organize the local project group in Tanzania consisting of female former drug users. The organization should lead to the women being able to run Rising Hope's future projects in Tanzania.
Women's Hope Workshop
Women's Hope Workshop is a workshop and a shop. Here, women can receive local training in various crafts and sell the products they make in the shop. This makes it easier for women to secure a livelihood and dignity after a life of drug use.